School interferes with enjoying life


Anzhela Nyemchenko, Staff Reporter

Children start school at the age of four and go until 18. They spend seven hours each day, five days a week in school. Teachers assign assignments that are required to be done after school hours and completed and turned in the next day for a grade. Yet, after school hours are over, there’s never enough time to be spent with family, after school activities or personal time due to homework.

Once you come home from school, you only have a few minutes to rest, before you have to begin on your homework. With an essay to write, math problems to solve and history textbooks to read, there’s not enough time to enjoy a family dinner. When your family decides to go to a park or restaurant, you have to stay behind, in your room, on a beautiful sunny day. Sometimes, even on weekends, teachers assign chapters to read and essays to write. So, sorry there’s no time to hangout with anyone.

Many people have to quit sports and after-school activities due to dropping grades since  homework assignments are left incomplete. It’s hard to manage time with activities after school and homework, which also leads to not getting enough sleep. Students will spend several hours staying up late finishing homework that causes them to either be late or tired and not focused the next day. This also causes the students to stress and not pay attention very well in class.

After a long day, students want some personal time, whether it’s watching television, or taking a nap. Even after work, students are in needs of personal time. Yet, they have tons of homework due which causes them to not rest properly. This can put lots of stress on students, which is not good for their health. Students shouldn’t have to deal with this at all.

   All teachers assign homework, but when is it too much, really too much?