Opinion: Clinton anything but qualified to be president

Josh Byrd, Ad Manager

Many people have said to me that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person running to be President. They say if you look at her resume, it shows that she has the most experience. Clinton has held many titles. She was the First Lady of Arkansas and the United States. She is a former United States Senator from New York, as well as a former US Secretary of State. If you look at her titles, you might agree with the people who say she is the most qualified. But, if you look at what happened while she held these various positions, especially her time as Secretary of State,  you would disagree.

In 2009, Clinton became the Secretary of State. She thus became the United States’ chief-diplomat second only to the President. One of the first things she did was ‘reset’ relations with Russia. This policy was intended to create better relations with the country. Many believed this would allow the US to influence Russia’s international policy and help the U.S stop Russian aggression in Eastern Europe through diplomatic channels.  As we all know, Russia invaded the Crimea peninsula in Ukraine taking part of its old Soviet Empire in 2014. Yeah, it really seems like the US diplomacy worked.

She failed in the Middle East, which is on fire. The US is sending “advisors” back to Iraq after we had withdrawn troops in 2011. Clinton and Obama claimed Iraq to be a success back then, as well as their Middle East policies in general, especially when Osama bin Laden was killed (they took a premature victory lap after bin Laden raid).

There is now a civil war going on in Syria, which is causing the issues in Iraq. The civil war started when she was still Secretary of State and a new extremist islamic terror threat (ISIS) is growing due to the war. Many of the issues are due to the Obama’s defense and diplomatic policies, which Clinton helped develop and execute.

In addition to her many “achievements,” she is untrustworthy. She lied to the families of Benghazi attack and the American people. She blamed the attack on the U.S Embassy in Libya on a video, which was later proven to be untrue. She withheld that she used a private server to send emails while she was Secretary of State, and then when she was caught, she lied about sending classified information over that same server. Real trustworthy.

So if you look at what happened during her tenure as Secretary of State, not just the title, then you might agree with me that she is not qualified to be President.