Opinion: What’s the Valentine’s hype about?


Hedrick is not having it.

Julie Hedrick, Staff Reporter

February 14. The day full of pink and red hearts, chocolates, love, flowers and every other romantic thing under the sun. Girls take this opportunity to post selfies of themselves and their boyfriends on Instagram and caption something stupid like “Omg, I love my boyfriend sooooooo much XO babe <3 can’t wait for many more years together!!!!” I mean, I’d be fine with one or two of these lovey-dovey posts, but it seems like every girl who’s in a relationship posts something obnoxious like this. I don’t want to have to scroll through 20 thousand posts of people kissing or on a date. If I wanted that I’d go find a boyfriend myself.

Another thing I find annoying about Valentines Day is trying to find a table at a restaurant. It’s a nearly impossible task unless you want to wait an unreasonable amount of time for a table, then to be charged too much money for mediocre food.   My advice to couples – don’t go spend a lot of money on dinner, pack a picnic and save a few tables for single people: like me.

The same goes for movie theaters. Most of the time the movie you want won’t have tickets available until a showing at two in the morning, and you can’t move 6 inches in any direction without having to say sorry for bumping into somebody. This year especially, the release of the movie “50 Shades of Gray” is sure to attract single women of all ages. Personally, I don’t get what the big hoo-rah is about the erotic film but if the movie is as bad as the preview looks, I’ll be glad I didn’t waste my money seeing it.

Another thing I hate about February in general is that every time I walk into Wal-Mart I’m faced with the big Valentines Day displays. Pink, red, and teddy bears. Everywhere. There’s simply no escaping it. I kid you not, I was in the school supplies section and there was Valentines Day decor set up. Although, I have to admit the giant teddy bears (that are almost my size) are cute and I really wouldn’t mind getting one.

It’s only one day a year. I guess I’ll suck it up and try not to complain and let the flirty couples have their moment. Is there such a thing as “Single People Appreciation Day” or something?